公司名称 : 邹平绿邦化工有限公司
电话 : 请登录后查看
网址 : https://lvbanghuagong.1688.com
地址 : 滨州市邹平市长山镇杨家村
业务类型 : 生产商
展位号 : N10D07
绿邦化工厂成立于2006年,2014年注册成为绿邦化工有限公司,是一家加工生产硫酸盐和污水处理剂的独资公司,主要产品有硫酸铵,硫酸亚铁,硫酸镁,硫酸锌,硫酸铜,聚合氯化铝,聚合硫酸铁,聚丙烯酰胺,过硼酸钠,硼砂,锌肥,钾肥以及各种微量元素肥料。公司有近10年的加工生产经验,先进的生产工艺,配套的精良设备,严格稳定的产品检测仪器,一直秉承质量第一的经营理念,产品质量稳定可靠,远销全国各地,管理团队坚持客户至上的管理宗旨,以诚为本,赢得广大客户的一致好评和信任。 2014年,绿邦化工有限公司扬帆起航,继续坚持质量第一,客户至上的经营理念,以全新的姿态面向全国,诚招各界朋友咨询交流,洽谈业务。 Lvbang chemical plant was established in 2006 and registered as Lvbang Chemical Co., Ltd. in 2014. It is a wholly-owned company processing and producing sulfate and sewage treatment agent. Its main products are ammonium sulfate, ferrous sulfate, magnesium sulfate, zinc sulfate, copper sulfate, polyaluminium chloride, polyferric sulfate, polyacrylamide, sodium perborate, borax, zinc fertilizer, potassium fertilizer and various trace element fertilizers 。 The company has nearly 10 years of processing and production experience, advanced production technology, supporting sophisticated equipment, strict and stable product testing equipment, has been adhering to the business philosophy of quality first, product quality is stable and reliable, sold to all parts of the country, the management team adhere to the management purpose of customer first, and win the unanimous praise and trust of customers. In 2014, Lvbang Chemical Co., Ltd. set sail, continued to adhere to the business philosophy of quality first and customer first, facing the whole country with a new attitude, and sincerely invited friends from all walks of life to consult and exchange business.